My Journey with Hormone Replacement Therapy: From Skepticism to Success

My Journey with Hormone Replacement Therapy: From Skepticism to Success

If you're over 35 this blog is a must read. Menopause is no longer a word for women in their 50's and I'm so happy it's being openly discussed now.

Gone are the generations of our parents that had to suffer through silently while their bodies and minds became versions they didn't recognize. 

If I knew in my mid 30's what I know now in my late 40's I would've gained back years of quality life and this is why I'm writing this blog.

First up HRT = Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Just one year ago I was dead set against this option. I had convinced myself, based on outdated and poor data, that taking HRT was putting me at risk for breast cancer and other disease. 

When my male Dr. brought it up with me (which is rare), I flat out refused to consider it even though I was post menopause at only 46 and suffering from hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, brain fog, vaginal atrophy, painful sex and low sex drive.

But after over 2 years of suffering from not a single night of solid sleep (I know you can relate mama's) I stopped my confirmation bias and at the advice of a follower starting following Dr. Mary Claire.

*Here's what I discovered.

✅Our risk of breast cancer when taking estrogen via patch within 10 years post menopause is low. Matter of fact, if you drink alcohol you're at 4 times more risk, And yes this is even with breast cancer in your family.

✅Our risk of heart disease is far greater than our increased risk of breast cancer when we DON'T go on HRT. And heart disease is the #1 killer for woman.

✅HRT reduces our risk of Alzheimer's and dementia.

But let's talk about what happened to me personally that changed everything.

My night sweats and hot flashes vanished.

This was by far the biggest improvement in my quality of life - SLEEP. I now sleep through the night and this alone is enough to go on HRT, sleep is the best way to improve your health, mood and burn fat.

My skin and hair transformed.

I've been blessed with great skin but when I hit menopause my skin went from glowing to dull. No matter the skin care or moisturizer I always looked dry. My hair stopped growing as well. 

Now my skin feels soft and supple and hydrated and dare I say even more firm. Even my husband has noticed a difference, so in turn I look and feel younger. 

My hair is healthier and growing again.

Let's talk about sex. 

No more painful dry sex. I finally went on testosterone and along with the work my husband and I have been doing, we're now having the best sex of our lives.

My breasts got fuller.

Although my Dr. said it's not common it can happen. They also increased in their sensitivity. See back to best sex of our lives comment.

Here's what I'm taking

Estrogen patch
Progesterone (which I've labeled as liquid gold)
Testosterone Cream
DHEA cream

If you're in Calgary and looking for a great clinic that specializes in female sexual health that is covered by AHS check out prism medical

*Please note I'm not a Dr and results vary. Consult your Dr and ensure proper bloodwork and family history is done prior to taking any form of HRT. However, I will also caution you on taking the advice from a family Dr. that is dead set against HRT. Advocate for yourself and do your own research. 

 Here's to happy hormones!

xo Aelie

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